Commit ID:2f03383829f156994206c3a0eba1b3310a1c04ee

Working at

We're always on the lookout for digital talents.

We're always looking for people with skills that are useful when developing bespoke software. Our development centers are in Haarlem (NL) and Novi Sad (Serbia). If you're an engineer, business analyst, QA, or whatever role you're comfortable describing yourself as, we'd love to hear from you! Check out all our available job openings below or just send a mail to


In 1998, the company that would later become Ximedes was founded. Since then, technology and software have rapidly evolved, profoundly changing the world around us. But what hasn't changed is our mission statement:

Ximedes exists to allow a group of smart, friendly and ambitious professionals to work together on relevant and challenging software projects, to the delight of our clients and ourselves


Kotlin and Java

Most of the server-side software we develop runs on the JVM, and is developed in either Kotlin or Java. As always, the choice is up to the teams, but for the past year Kotlin has been the default language for new projects.


Self-steering teams

We belief in creating teams that are able to organize themselves, and neither need or want to be told how to do their work. We hire professionals that are mature enough to be able to work effectively with other people, and put the team result before personal interest.



Many projects we do deal with payments in some form or other. Over the years we have build online payment providers (PSP's) for all major Dutch banks. We have built reporting tools delivering real-time insights into a database containing billions of transactions.

And, we've built software automating many secondary process, such as on-boarding, reconcilation, and clearing and settlement.


Projects and products

Most of the work we do is bespoke development for clients, where the client needs custom software to realize some business goal. Usually we work with clients in an agile way, where the client delivers the product owner and we the development, test and hosting capabilities.

We also run our own product line of payment solutions for industry sites, hospitals, schools etc. called Pecunda.



Most of the software we develop are web-based, with a UI written in HTML/JS/CSS. Rendering is either server-side or through a rich client. On the front-end we like TypeScript and React, but different teams use different technologies based on the specifics of the project.


Public Transport

We have worked for most Dutch public transport operators, developing solutions around the Dutch public transport card (OV Chipkaart). We have also made the Amsterdam public transport cashless, delivering digital payment solutions to replace cash payments.