Commit ID:2f03383829f156994206c3a0eba1b3310a1c04ee

Ximedes exists to allow a group of smart, friendly and ambitious professionals to work together on relevant and challenging software projects, to the delight of our clients and ourselves

Ximedes opens office in Hamburg

Henry Kliegel
February 12, 2019

By selecting Hamburg, Ximedes settles in the second FinTech city of Germany. In Hamburg, several Universities, leading banks and Fintech companies are working hard for the Fintech position of Hamburg. With access to the Nordics, German market and resources it will give Ximedes GmbH the next stage development after the successful market entrance with our payment solution Pecunda, servicing various German Universities, Studentenwerke and companies like Daimler, Miele, HDM and the European Patent Office. Click here for our address, and contact us to get a cup coffee