Commit ID:2f03383829f156994206c3a0eba1b3310a1c04ee

Ximedes exists to allow a group of smart, friendly and ambitious professionals to work together on relevant and challenging software projects, to the delight of our clients and ourselves makes barcodes easy!

John-Peter Veldkamp
October 07, 2019

Within the public transport arena, traveling with a barcode is gaining traction, helped by the growing availability and popularity of the smart phones. This combined with the realisation that implementing a barcode solution is a cost-effective way of selling and distributing tickets, explains the demand for easy to integrate barcode solutions. has been developed by Ximedes, specifically targeted at the Public Transport Operator. This barcode solution offers a Barcode Issuing Service, a Barcode Validation Service and includes a Management Portal, to control and monitor usage, define products and sales channels.

Offering both offline and online capabilities, the hosted solution (AWS) can very easily be integrated into the existing IT landscape and can be deployed within weeks.

Visit our Tapcheck demo site and/or request the Tapcheck product sheet at