Commit ID:2f03383829f156994206c3a0eba1b3310a1c04ee

Ximedes exists to allow a group of smart, friendly and ambitious professionals to work together on relevant and challenging software projects, to the delight of our clients and ourselves

Building Loomis Pay

Joris Portegies Zwart
October 28, 2020

Last September, Swedish cash management company Loomis announced the launch of Loomis-Pay - a brand new PSP for omni-channel payments. Ximedes is proud to announce that we have been selected to develop parts of this ambitious new platform.

From cash to payments

With 24,000 employees in over 20 countries, Loomis offers cash management services to central banks, commercial banks, ATM operators and large retail chains, as well as to smaller enterprises.

With the launch of Loomis Pay, Loomis now also offers an end-to-end solution for all types of payments, including cash, card and digital, both online and in store. Merchants will only have to enter into a single agreement to be able to accept payments across all channels and types. And, Loomis Pay pays out transactions within one day, which positively impacts a merchant's cashflow.

Best of breed

Launching a modern world-class PSP requires modern world-class software. Ximedes has been building payment software for over two decades. We are excited to be able to leverage that knowledge and experience once again, and help Loomis Pay realise their world-wide payment strategy.

A new way of working

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all have had to find new ways of working together. We are very happy to see that Loomis Pay and Ximedes have been able to effectively work together in a completely remote and distributed team. With the help of several online tools for collaboration, we have in a very short time been able to launch a development process and start building and delivering software.

We hope to be able to shake each other's hand in the future. For now, we are looking forward to working together with Loomis Pay on the future of payments.