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Ximedes exists to allow a group of smart, friendly and ambitious professionals to work together on relevant and challenging software projects, to the delight of our clients and ourselves

Ximedes at Money2020

Gijs ter Horst
September 18, 2021

Ximedes is present at Money2020! And at the same time "Payments and Fintech Magazine" published a nice article about our payment services.

Ximedes is really excited to meet ‘Money20/20’ visitors. At booth B.125 our management team will happily engage with you in a chat, exchange of news and insights, explaining our services, but most of all: to learn from you!

Ximedes helps to develop Fintechs. One of the things we've become very experienced at is developing complete payment infrastructures. Gateways, Reconciliation, Merchant Dashbaord are developed in only months, while taking PCI-compliancy and card scheme certification into account. Read more in the article Payment Sercvices Provided by Ximedes or even better, read it in the Payments and Fintech Magazine.